Four post-doc positions in embedded systems, security, verification, robotics and distributed systems – Singapore

Details of all available positions are also provided here: I have immediate openings to host four (4) post-doctoral researchers. Post-doctors are required to have a PhD degree (or soon to be awarded) in computer science, computer engineering or related fields. All positions are available immediately. The project investigates systematic…

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2 Lecturer Positions in Model-Driven Systems Engineering, Leicester, UK

2 Lecturer Positions in Model-Driven Systems Engineering University of Leicester College of Science and Engineering Department of Informatics Salary Grade 8 – £38,183 to £46,924 per annum ******************************************************************** Together our staff and students are discovering innovative ways to change the world for the better and there has never been…

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Post-doc position in avionics (Toulouse + Grenoble)

IRT Saint-Exupéry and the CONVECS team of Inria and LIG are recruiting a post-doc to work on the “Evaluation and formal verification of concurrent architectures” for next-generation airplanes. English version: French version:    

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Post-doc positions at University of Lübeck

The Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages (ISP), University of Lübeck, is currently looking for two postdoc positions in the area of Formal Verification/Software Engineering in the context of two research projects with industrial partners. Research topics include, but are not limited to: – Research on Formal Methods with…

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PhD positions at University of Lübeck

The Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages (ISP), University of Lübeck, is currently looking for talented PhD students with a particular focus on Formal Verification/Software Engineering in the context of two research projects with industrial partners. Research topics include, but are not limited to: – Research on Formal Methods…

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