postdoc position at INRIA Grenoble or Paris: abstractions for causal explanations

Title: Abstractions for causal analysis and explanations in concurrent
programs: theory and application to Erlang

Within the French project “DCore – Causal Debugging for Concurrent
Systems” we are looking for a highly motivated postdoc. The objective
of DCore is to develop a semantically well-founded, novel form of
debugging that aims to alleviate the deficiencies of current debugging
techniques for large concurrent software systems.

The first goal of the postdoc project is to investigate the use of
abstractions for the construction of causal explanations. We are
interested in developing abstractions that “compose well” with causal
analyses, and understanding precisely how explanations found on the
abstraction relate to explanations on the concrete system. The second
goal of the project is to implement and validate the theoretical
developments as part of a causal debugger for a full-fledged
programming language such as Erlang.

Candidates should have a good background in formal methods.
Good programming skills are required.

The postdoc will collaborate with Jérôme Feret (Antique team, INRIA
Paris, and Gregor Goessler (Spades
team, INRIA Grenoble, Please do not
hesitate to contact us for more information
( The starting date is flexible. To apply
online please visit

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