The research group on Computer Engineering ( at ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, has an opening for a post-doctoral fellow.
The position is devoted to scientific research in the area of embedded information processing, in particular for applications in mobile systems, internet of things, cyberphysical systems or sensor networks. The research is driven by our installations at several field sites in high alpine regions (permafrost research and early warning) as well as air pollution monitoring, but also involves diverse applications on a much smaller scale. Our current research focus relates to fundamental challenges like highly dependable wireless protocols, embedded machine learning and edge computing, and low energy data processing and decision-making.
The Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory offers a creative international environment, a possibility to conduct highly competitive research on a global scale and involvement in teaching. The responsibilities of the position include successful research in the emerging field of embedded information processing. In addition, active participation in research projects and leading a group of highly motivated Ph.D. students is expected.
We are looking for candidates with a Ph.D. degree in a field that is closely related to embedded systems. You should have a record of accomplishment in conducting original highly competitive scientific research and publishing your results in top conferences and scientific journals. Maturity, self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team player are expected. You should have interest in interdisciplinary collaboration. German language skills are not required, English is mandatory. For further information, you may contact Lothar Thiele (
Applications with a statement of interest, a CV, the names of two references and additional documents, in particular copies of degree certificates and the associated grades, should be submitted via refline ( or directly sent to Lothar Thiele ( until the 30th of June 2019.
Useful Links: ETH Zurich (, Department Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (, Research Group Computer Engineering (, Lothar Thiele (